Release Nearing: Recent Updates

So first off, I can report further success in correctly mapping BPMN 2.0. Previously, I extended it to the Cycle format, but yesterday I managed to identify the Sub-Process and generic task difference. I also managed to replace the XOR-Gateway with the correct AND and OR variants, also called Parallel- and Inclusive gateway. If you’re a bit into Logic Gates, you know that the actual default Gateway in BPMN, the Exclusive Gateway, is essentially an XOR-Gate.

New Blog: What this will be about

This is my new Blog. I will primarily talk about the WTF-Model, which is the Lightweight-Theory of Everything i’ve been working on for quite some time and only occasionally I’ll drop in some of my job related endeavors. Alternativly named the ‘God Fractal’ or ‘Lightweight ToE’ the WTF is my primary anchor. Even though i was able to find this marvel, describe and understand it fully (to the best of my abilities), the second part -the harder part- of the task here really seems on how to put this in as simple as possible words so i can communicate the model to others.