Recent Updates: 4-Stroke Engine, Economic Bubble

I managed to do quite a chunk of fixes and updates the recent days: Technically i fixed the alignment of images at Perspective switch while completely horizontal I cleaned up the JSON language files with a custom C# Console Application i built: It calls additionally Azure API’s for translations if needed. I might extend that tool in the future, it was quite useful and saved a lot of manual work. On the end of descriptions there was progress as well:

Risk: Probability & Impact

Today I figured out the correct way to model the Probability-Impact Matrix that was used to illustrate the Risks Description. Initially, before I “got” perspective, I had only the probability-impact line going in a y=-x function way. I was always rather unhappy with it, even though it -sort of- checked out. But impact and probability were basically fixed on that line and seemed ultimately not completely right. Once it clicked with me I was able to fix this within minutes.