New Blog: What this will be about
This is my new Blog. I will primarily talk about the WTF-Model, which is the Lightweight-Theory of Everything i’ve been working on for quite some time and only occasionally I’ll drop in some of my job related endeavors.

Alternativly named the ‘God Fractal’ or ‘Lightweight ToE’ the WTF is my primary anchor. Even though i was able to find this marvel, describe and understand it fully (to the best of my abilities), the second part -the harder part- of the task here really seems on how to put this in as simple as possible words so i can communicate the model to others.
I’m currently favoring a three stage approach, where i continually add slightly onto:
- The 10 Second Model
It’s just a simple vortex that opens and closes, thats it.
- The 2 Minute Version
Where it basically lays out that its a mix of a compressor (information- as well as -thermodynamic wise) and a switch, that hovers over a non-reachable singularity. Then getting superfically into some core ideas and extending already into a couple specifics like primes, serial/parallel. That would be it.
- The 15 Minute Version
This might be the real challenging big one as the danger is real to overload the audience with too much info.