WebGL Shader and RC/RL Circuits Overlay

To finish up with the Dark Mode I started implementing in January, I delved into GLSL (a C derivative) and WebGL to build proper Fragment and Vertex Shaders for application on textures. I now have inversion of dark/white colors while respecting transparency and leaving RGB values outside of gray tones untouched- just look for yourself:

Dark/Light Mode GLSL Shader Example

I also did a lot of clean-up, restructuring and polishing on CSS and interface design. Here’s an excerpt of just 2 weeks of GIT commits:

GIT Commit History

I also implemented a new RL/RC overlay that gradually evolved while I was working on a simple URI circuit. Not only does it capture the finesse of capacitance and inductance, but it also includes calculations for Phase, Impedance, and Tau. I mapped the Frequency property directly to the Vortex rotation, which I think was a stroke of genius. This seems to make a great addition and only took me a couple of days:

RL/RC Circuit Overlay

I made sure that for all properties, values ranging from Femto (e-15) up to Peta (e+15) are properly implemented and conducted intensive testing to verify on that. I polished the entire piece thoroughly, and it should withstand simple plausibility checks.

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