New: Visual Scope Identifier

Yesterday, I added visual identifiers to better identify the currently selected Scope:

One continuous line for the Local Scope

Local Scope

…and a point-based circle for the Global Scope:

Global Scope

Both markers resize and adjust position according to the base vortex movements - so it looks like one homogeneous part. I thought this would be a handy and useful visual clue.

After implementing that, I also redesigned the former Perspective icons that are now labeled as Scope:

Icon Local Scope
One icon change for the Local Scope
Icon Global Scope
…and another icon change for the Global Scope. Yeah… it looks a lot better. More concise.

WTF Model Main Design

Perspective has essentially become a differentiator between Horizontal & Vertical resolution.

Horizontal Vertical Differentiation

I’ll likely need to do some rework or renaming in the future to make it clearer, unambiguous, and not confusing. I mean - if I can barely grasp it fully, how should someone else? Anyway, I think I am at least on the right track and making progress. It just needs some refinement.

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